Fall County

About me

Hello! I’m Kegthoth-rha, also known as Keg. I’ve been playing video games for about 20 years, and they’ve been my primary hobby for most of that time frame. I’m also a FOSS entheusiast, and a Linux user of about 15 years.

About this blog

I’ve decided to make this blog as yet another attempt to put my voice somewhere on the internet. I’ve been doing this sort of thing on and off since I was about 12 years old, but I feel like I actually have at least a little bit to contribute to the conversation now. As of right now I plan to write mostly about video games, with some stints into Linux as a whole, configuring Arch Linux, and occasionally some software-related things. That may include looking into Emacs, getting into shell scripting, and maybe even a little bit about the software I’m using to make this blog if I feel it’s worth it.